Saturday, March 03, 2007

Tokyo photos

Here are some photos I took from the internet of me running the Tokyo marathon. I couldn't get them any larger unless I bought them which I wouldn't do. My hamstrings aren't the only things "tight" on me.


  1. Looks like really crappy weather for running a marathon. Cold, wet and miserable. I guess I'm too used to good ol' Aussie sunshine! Although I'm sure the Victorians would consider it just another day!! ;)

  2. Och maan! D'ye spaek Scottish ah'well as Japanese?

    Using my magnifying glass, I think you're the very fast runner in the grey T-shirt and white gloves.

  3. Scott, I used a screen grabber to get a decent size shot of myself from that site. They are pretty good snapshots to be honest and I am tempted, for the firs time after a marathon, to buy one and frame it for the wall. Not because I am especially proud of the run or anything, but it was certainly one to remember, and I kind of think it is finally time to claim or declare my identity as a runner a little bit.

  4. You weren't exaggerating about the weather. Wasn't sure which one was you in the first few photos!

  5. Is there a Japanese translation for "a picture speaks a thousand words"? Love photo number 4 Scott. That looks like a 3.26 face to me - it's not certain if it should be happy or sad or somewhere in between.

    Actually the pictures do show how difficult the conditions must have been and to run 3.26 in that is impressive.

  6. Great pics ... I think. Is that a headband or a beanie?

  7. I love the last one too - looks like the food line at Rikers ;-)

    Mrs 2P framed my 2005 6ft pics for me and even though at the time I was disappointed with my time and couldn't see the point of buying the pics yada yada - everytime I look at the pics now I smile - buy em!
