Tuesday, April 06, 2010

YLFOR is finishing!

I just read that Peter Magill's "Younger Legs for Older Runners" is going to pull the plug. I just penned the following letter and sent it off to Pete. I feel pretty bad about this and wonder about this so called "community" of Bloggers.

Hey Peter

I wanted to write a comment but I know that you must be in no mood to read such sentiments so I thought it was very classy of you to disable the comments. People have had plenty of chance up until now to comment but haven't, on the whole, made the effort so it's a bit late now.

I don't know what it is, I read some blogs that are just dribble and they get heaps of feedback and quality ones like yours that struggle to get off the ground despite what would seem, to me, a great premise.

I have been blogging now for 5 years and basically have 3 people who give a shit that I continue. Luckily It's not taking any of my time. I really understand you pulling the plug in fact I only yesterday read this by Craig Harper

"Do I know why most Bloggers throw in the towel before their site is a year old? Yep – because creating a high-quality site (and getting traffic to that site) is more work and effort than most people would ever imagine."

Still I really want you to continue and if that means me doing anything to help on a regular basis I promise to do so. I reckon, your blog deserves a little more time it could be as "Go Daddy" founder says

When you're ready to quit, you're closer than you think.
There's an old Chinese saying that I just love, and I believe it is so true. It goes like this: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

I'm going to blog this letter and hope others read it and will offer you their services too.

I believe if we let "Younger Legs" go it'll reflect badly on all of us!

Scott Brown
Osaka Japan


  1. I was also shocked to read that he was quitting the blog. Glad you sent him the letter. Not sure it will help, but I hope it does.
    i must say, I agree with him in being surprised and disappointed that more people did not use the Road Race Rankings.

  2. Sad indeed!
    i can understand that he wants his life back it must take hours and hours every day to keep it going with high quality postings.
    I will miss his morning read more than anything, he's a great writer!
    Sad sad loss:[
