Before you start thinking something like "He is Wanker" that blog title doesn't refer to me but to my new training grounds. For the past 4 months I've been getting up early, 4 am, twice a week and driving into one of my University jobs, one, to save time on the commute, and two, to use the facilities at a sports complex just near my school.
As in the movie with the above title it is always completely empty and I get that same sense that I did from watching the movie "I am Legend." Still don't really understand why nobody uses it, it has some prime running tracks, two 400 meter tracks and a 3km loop of red sponge track that winds its way around the complex between brand spanking tennis courts , soccer grounds and baseball stadiums.
I'm sure people are using it on weekends and later in the day, but truly I haven't seen hide nor hair of anyone there between 6:00 and 9:00am the times I'm usually there and it is all pretty bizarre.
Not complaining mind you but to make it perfect it would just need a few friendly/ large eyed women spread evenly, so to speak, around the track gently shouting words of encouragement. I've gone too far again haven't I?
Anyway, the pictures speak for themselves. To finish off, I will tell you that things are fine with my training the last two weeks being at 119kms and 120kms respectively. If I can just hold up without breaking I will be set for a great marathon come August.