Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cherish The Day

Couple of songs that mark me as a man of the 80s. Still haven't changed all that much. Anyway, things are good, slowly getting back into running with a few slow 30 min jogs each day. Today I picked up the pace a bit, it felt good burning through the bright red, and yellow fall leaves that have collected on the paths of my local runs.

Enjoy a bit of reminiscing with me. Talk soon.

Cherish The Day ~ Sweep The Leg (song dedicated to the Karate Kid 1985).


  1. I see your mate Yuki is slowly getting back into the running, with a 2:09 on the weekend and another at Hofu in a couple of weeks.

  2. I wonder if Ryan Hall is following what Kawauchi has ben doing the last few years and feels anything? Both on opposite sides of the spectrum with regards to running/training and injuries.

    God willing Ryan will run another marathon and it will be one where Yuki is running in!
