Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Going away

Not to the nut house, but for a week to the north for some skiing and sight seeing etc. Hopefully I can blog up there and read yours. Take care and I'll be back proper on the 5th of Jan. I'll be thinking about you all. All the best with your activities over the holiday season.


  1. Enjoy the holiday mate, and I know it is still a bit early, but:

  2. Enjoy your break but don't break anything on the ski slopes. Have a great 2007

  3. Seems funny somebody skiing at this time of year, other than water skiing that is. Should be good cross training.

    Have fun up there. Sounds like it would be a pretty cool place to see in the new year. Have a good one!

  4. あけましておめでとうございます from me too - whatever that means.

  5. Happy holidays, they sound like too much fun!

  6. あけましておめでとうございます from me too - whatever that means!!

    Hope you enjoyed your break and return revitalised.

    Happy new year.
