Sunday, February 18, 2007


"shoganai" in Japanese means roughly "what are you gonna do? You just have to put on a brave face." Well that's exactly what I've got to do. Did 3:28: about 8 to 15 minutes short of what I hoped for.

I thought I was running well enough today to PB and up until the end I ran pretty even splits, but because of the crowd, 30 thousand + runners, it was a sight to behold, I lost a lot of time in the first 10 Kms until I could get some room to move.

It was bloody cold and it didn't stop raining until about 1k from the end so this also contributed to slower times all round. Stephen was not a happy chappy either as he didn't break 3hrs and got 3:08:Again "shoganai." We will be back.

I left Stephen at a party as I didn't feel much like partying and I took a train home. Four hours later I'm home so I though I'd just write briefly about the day. Will go into more detail later. Thanks for your support as usual. By the way Stephen is, as expected, a terrific bloke and it was great to meet him face to face.


  1. There's not much you can do about the weather or crowds - sounds amazing!

    It still sounds like a great time to me. Don't be too disappointed:)

  2. Huge congrats Scott!!!

    I can't imagine more than 30 thousand people, that is crazy! People here thought our little Friday night race was crowded, I think there was about 230 runners. Must be so frustrating not being able to get into a rhythm until well into the race.

    You WERE running well enough to clinch that big PB, and definitely would have if not for the crowd and the weather conditions. We all agree there. But hey, 3:28 is by no means a shabby time! Betcha most of those other 30000 people were behind you.

    I'm so looking forward to hearing more details, including meeting Steve. Hope you punched him in the belly.

    Take care. Recover well.

    PS How about venturing down here in July to the beautiful Gold Coast :-)

  3. Well done Scott. 3.28 is nothing to sniff at! I feel for you not getting the time you wanted but I think the time sounds pretty amazing.

    And you finished. Sounds like you finished strongly too. In terrible conditions. I take my hat off to you.

  4. Well done Scott! 3:28 is a great time no matter what. Tis a shame that the crowds got in the way some and the weather was crap. Its hard for me to imagine running in very chilly temps and wet!

  5. I hope your recovery from the punch in the guts goes well Scott.

    Looks like it was a miserable day (typical Qld weather one might say). Not much you can do battling such crowds - they need 4 'waves' like the City to Surf!

    The PB is there for the taking - you just need the right race.

  6. Thanks Ewen

    They did have a certain system like waves I was in "D" block, Stephen in "C", and it went right up to "I" I think with about 3500 people in each group.

    One of the reasons I slowed down in the first 5kms was that it was pretty much down hill and I was getting views of thousands of runners stretched out in front of me. And frankly
    I slowed down to take it all in. It was really something!

    And thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm determined not to stop training until I can get my sub 3hrs.

  7. A great result Scott and 3.28 is a very special run that relatively few runners will ever get to experience.

    As I said on Stephen's blog and it applies to you too, I just love the attitude you have shown in coping with the result. That wonderful attitude is not something to be taken for granted and it says much about you. I am also looking forward to hearing more details.

    You asked about my 200m race. I came about fifth out of eight runners. Yuk! (but just between you and me, and injuries accepted, I actually enjoyed that race and especially liked hearing my little girl cheer for her dad amongst the din of other kids screaming their heads for their own dads. That special cheer was worth the effort...and the gummy goin!)

  8. Scott, well done on your race.

    So what, I mean who really cares that you were a few minutes off your taget time. Did you honestly think I wouldn't want to be your friend anymnore?? Heh heh not likely.

    Your life is full of so many complications right now, not the best time to be running a marathon - or perhaps it is the perfect time, who knows.

    All I know is that you trained so damn hard and got a great result to show. The race itself didn't lead to fast times for the majority due to weather and the crowds. But you took part and you had the courage to run strong.

    You are a great role model and it will be this race that is foremost in my mind as I go off to achieve my own personal goals for my next marathon.

    Focus now on life around you and use your running to keep the head and the heart strong and healthy. Everything else will come good and be as it should be.

    **BIG HUGS***
