Monday, October 13, 2014



  1. Glad things are going well. Smart move not running 190 Kms and the like. Being uninjured is the way to go. Run well.

  2. Building nicely Scott. Question: At what stage did you hit 190K? After 1, 2, 3 ... years running? Yes I'm interested (Lydiard Program). Keep these updates coming. If you survive it, I may consider a less painful version.

  3. After about 5 or 6 years of running on a regular basis Mark. Not sure how I did it now, looking back, was working full time and had a young family. Guess I just got it in my head that high mileage was the only way to a PB. I think it is/was but it comes with great risks to ones long term progress.

  4. Good consistent weeks there Scott. You're doing well off the "low" mileage (still doing about 3 times as much as me!). I think high mileage can work well (140-160+) but there's a point of diminishing returns - also risky in terms of adequate recovery, which is difficult when working full-time. After all, fitness improves during the rest period of a training schedule.
