Sunday, June 22, 2014

Grand Funk

Below the link to Grand Funk Railroad's - We're An American Band. Check it out. It helped lift my recent "funk!" (Youtube is being a bitch about letting you embed things recently.)


  1. I've had pain in my right glute for over a month. It's worst when I wake up, then gets better during the day - fortunately I feel nothing when walking and running. So last night I moved from my bed to a futon on the floor, and it wasn't nearly as bad this morning. So maybe you should try to change where you are sleeping.

  2. I began running and still do primarily to keep at bay back pain. Simple as that. I might disguise it as some kind of quest to get to Boston but in all reality without it, I'd be in a very bad way. With it, I function better than most.

  3. Thanks Bob I changed to a flatter pillow and it seems to have done the trick!

    Interesting Mark! I'm going to think about and talk more about how running does in fact stop one from grinding to a halt in old age despite that it is indeed counter-intuitive that it would do so.

  4. I think "don't stop" is the greatest tip you've ever offered Scott. If you feel like you need a break, cut down to 30 minutes a day (5-7 days a week) of running how you feel. Especially "don't stop" as you're aging. It's very hard to return to your former form. My training was very haphazard between 40 and 50 which I think was a cause of my A/G % decline since turning 50 - used to run at about 73% and now I'm doing well if I hit 69%. Don't stop!

  5. Yeah Ewen it is good advice. I first heard it from a book I read by Hal Higdon called "Masters Running: A Guide to Running and Staying Fit After 40" A pretty good book by the way.
