Sunday, May 20, 2012

Why You'll Never be a Great Runner!

Inspired by a TED talk I saw this morning see link below. I talk about why we will never be the runners we are capable of being and why it's important that we are.


  1. Thanks Scott. Enjoyed both videos. Picked up some tips from the TED one - like not auditioning too many women for the part of my wife ;) From your Twitter feed, I suspect you may have not auditioned enough ;)

    Like what you said about spending time/being an example for the family. That's what I remember about my own upbringing. I didn't mind that my dad spent hours in the shed building things. I do remember that he played with us, but it wasn't 8 hours a day on the weekend. Wouldn't have liked that anyway! Find your passion and go for it! Great advice.

  2. I feel as if you're giving out to me but then I look at what I've achieved in the past 6 years and I feel pretty committed. I suppose a line could be scribed between those who are naturally concave in their approach to activities and those who just get on with it. I think ewen's post recently about not trying to be great once but being good all the time (or something along those lines) resonated with me.

  3. Great video. Like Richard, i feel this video is made for me! hehe

    I suppose I began running in 2008 and have run 6 full marathons since then, but have used all of the excuses you talked about to NOT run from time to time. I also have the bad habit of only training when I have a race and when there is no race on the horizon, not training. Trying to remedy that. I have no upcoming races, but am running for the sake and joy of doing it.

  4. I feel natural ability still comes into it, some people are just better made to be world class runners.
    but that does not stop the likes of you and me from being the best we can be.
    Hard work will pay off but you can you turn a cart horse into a racer!
    I liked what Lydiard said, he inspired and changed his athletes thinking, maybe it's all in the mind, if you think it enough maybe you can become your chosen desire!

  5. Jeez Scott and there I was thinking running was a hobby. Isn't it?

  6. Nice spot, Scott. I'm comming off some injury downtime myself and needed the kick in the ass. After time off under those circumstances, I find it a bit difficult to crank up again. I crushed 45 minutes off of my marathon time in March with a year and a half between that and my last. I'm recommitting to this level of performance and your frank words helped keep that path clear. Tks.
