Thursday, December 09, 2010


Been a few days since I posted but never fear I'm not languishing in a English prison. That is the other Aussie guy with big balls ;)

I know it isn't only me, it's fascinating all the happenings surrounding Julian Assange, isn't it? In solidarity with Wikileaks, as I'm more afraid of spam and hackers than any of the world's governments, I'm going to do a bit of running related leaking on this site from time to time ;)

The first bombshell: Sources tell me that Rick from "Rick's Running - No Limit Desperado" fame is considering retiring opening a small barber shop in the Rockies and renaming his blog "Rick's Cut House - Yes Trim it, Colorado"

And another shocking revelation..... Ewen hasn't been seeing any "Doctor" The story he has been giving us about seeing a blood Doctor at Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars for 15 minutes is obviously a lie! I mean our friend isn't known for throwing that or any kind of money around. I want to believe but him but I'll need evidence of some monetary transactions on his part. Does anyone have a photo of him wearing anything other than that freebie "6ft Track Marathon" T-shirt?

I rest my case!

Going underground for a while. Stay alive!


  1. Shocking revelations, that. Must be true so.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "and would Sir like anything for the weekend"?

  4. Fair suck of the sauce bottle Scott. I'm stunned. Your source is correct. Photos of me wearing anything other than a free shirt are rarer than hen's teeth. However there are plenty of eye-witness accounts of moths flying from my wallet.

  5. Looks like you've found your true calling, Scott.
    I like LeakiWiks....
