Friday, October 15, 2010

I wish I was special

From my Ipod Touch 8th generation (with the new "reach around" technology).

Waiting in the clinic for an echo scan. Since coming back from Oz just haven't been able to run without pain. Actually that's not all together true, I have had a couple of near pain free runs but the fact that these almost make me cry with happiness points to how rare they are.

Anyway, put it this way I've had more comments on my blog recently then good runs ;(

While I'm confident I will be OK sooner rather than later the healing is taking its good time.I should make a confession, lest someone else follows my lead and gets injured themselves. I'm pretty sure this all stems from my 5K and 10K races so close to my last full marathon. As much as I'd like to believe, in this respect, I'm not special and couldn't get away with going against all common sense.

Anyway, after my next full I'm going to give myself a good long break before building up to racing again. Might even still be PBing in my fifties if I act with a little more prudence. "Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play."

One more piece of unsolicited advice. Basically don't believe what people say, just watch how they spend their time. As for running if they are injured more than they aren't, then take care cause bullshit is being spread without a licence!

Run run run Runnnnnnnnnn


  1. A man is only wise when he learn from his mistakes, and to learn you have to make at least a few!
    Yeah we both fucked up after our marathons, me after not following MB's recovery plan after London.
    Doing the trigger Point Performance workouts has helped me heal my body and get some balance and elasticity back in the old muscles.
    my last Two runs have been pain free :]
    Hope your pain free again soon!

  2. Hi Scott hope the injury works itself out soon, I find sometimes cycling helps give the running legs a break and works out injuries take it handy lad.

  3. I'll comment, just to make it harder for you to outweigh comments with good runs.
    I like Creep it's a favourite. Of course.
    The way I am running I thought I could rebrand as sleepygeoff but you've prompted me to believe that creepygeoff might work too.

  4. Wishing for a fast recovery...

    Love that song too..

    --mountain hardwear

  5. I'd say "you're special to me Scott", but then people might think I'm a weirdo or a creep.

    Don't worry mate, do the right thing and you'll be running PBs well into your 50s.
    Pretty soon you'll have control,
    Maybe not a perfect body,
    But you'll be floating like a feather...

  6. I'm impressed you can blog from your Touch as I have not mastered that! Well I can post a title but cant populate the post page for some reason!
    I haven't run pain free for months but I'm able to keep on running so I'm happy enough! I feel for you and know what your going through (as we all do!)

  7. Scott, going by her blog, looks like you've got a date with the non-classy "J". Although I don't know why she'd want to visit Japan ahead of Australia - must be because you're special ;)

  8. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I can't argue with your last piece of advice Scott - actions speak louder than words when it comes to training!

    I also feel your pain (literally until recently) in the pain-free running department. Some advice from someone who's struggled over the last 18 months, rest and recovery now = sooner running than pushing through......
